Today after a brilliant introduction by Hawaiian shirt wearing Dr. Mark Kretovics I graduated…

Today after a skillfully hilarious keynote speech about the future by Dr. Erica Eckert I graduated…

Today after two years of reading, writing, driving 45 minutes to class, “balancing” my GAship I graduated…

Today after drastically altering my career from world domination to fostering the development of the next general…I graduated.

Today I graduated; today I became Shane Young, M.Ed.

Through the Higher Education Administration and Student Personnel program at Kent State University I have had the privilege and pleasure to meet and work with some phenomenal classmates who I am proud to call my colleagues. I may not demonstrate it as regularly as I should, but I sort of, kind of like most of you as people and hold you not only as outstanding colleagues, but good friends. I refuse to look at this moment as one of farewell, but of “see you soon.” I have a feeling that many of you will be conference attendees and presenters in the future because your thirst for knowledge shan’t be quenched by the occasional inter-office discussion.

It was not only the people I met through my program that helped me throughout my journey, but the amazing professionals, roommates, and colleagues at Notre Dame College. Being a 45 minute commute from each of my classes proved to be a challenge to me, but I believe the unique experiences I gained made it worth it. I have had several supervisors who have challenged me in different ways and always offered or provided support, even when I vehemently said I was fine and needed no assistance). The friends, both from Kent and NDC specific, whom I ate lunch with for two years provided much needed comic relief in times of stress. Without you all, I may have had a much more normal experience but it would have been much less fun.

Thank you, friend, for taking the time to read this brief reflection on the last two years of my life. Cheers!